Sunday, February 27, 2011

Project Term Evaluation

This term I continued to work on a larger project "Frag Stone". This term I set out to conceptualize and model a character for the game. I started by gathering refrences/ideas for the character. Using Photoshop and a Wacom tablet, I created silhouettes of possible character concepts. I choose the best one and began to sketch out details. This phase took some time and my drawing skills were challenged. Next I refined those shapes and tried to make the lines as clean as possible. At this point Orthographic's and then modeling (Maya) are ready to start. I met with Hugh a couple times during this term to talk about the game and the character.

Usually when I think of a creative studio, I think that all the people in that studio are working towards a single goal or project. Our class(studio) had many different projects. I think being able to bounce ideas off each other is important for anyone's creative process.

I did not have nearly as much time to work on this as I thought I would. My capstone project got switched two weeks into the term, and the new project is WAY bigger than the original, it took over. :) The time I did have for this project though, I tried to do my best.

Due to serious technical difficulties with Maya and Unity 3d I was not able to get a demo of FragStone complied. My student license for Maya expired and so Unity wouldn't recognize the Maya Objects in the game. Among other problems. I will try to get a demo together over spring break.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Open Frame Works

Open Frame Works is a great open source.... Framework (haha) for interactive media. For all of you that wanna do something with motion sensors, cameras, and other visual tools, I recommend checking this out. It has support for most platforms including android and iphone devices.

Check out the gallery:


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mid-Term Evaluation

Wow... Time has gone by way fast this term. Looking at what I have done and what my schedual says I should have done, I see I didnt have as much time to work on this project as I thought I did when this term started. Im only partially done with my concept. According to my schedual I'm supposed to be modeling by now... So I guess I should re-write my schedual:

Sat. 2-12 - Work on concepts
Sat. 2-19 - Work on concepts/Ortho's
Sat. 2-26 - Work on Ortho's/Start Modeling
Mon. 2-28 - Have Concept and Some kind of start of a model ready to present. Also have Demo of general Fragstone gameplay to present.

Hopefully I will have more time next term...